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Dr. Vinicius Rosa

Rosa is Associate Professor at the NUS Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty at NUS Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, studying the potential of graphene family materials (coatings and scaffolds) to induce osteogenic differentiation and mineralization and to delay biofilms formation on titanium. He also develops cell-based platforms to promote dental pulp regeneration and to evaluate the bioactivity of dental materials. He received the Academy of Dental Materials Student Award (2005), George C. Paffenbarger Student Research Award (2007), IADR Distinguished Scientist Young Investigator Award and the IADR/DMG Stephen Bayne Mid-career Award (both in 2021). Rosa is the Vice-President of the International Association for Dental Research Dental Materials Group (DMG) and will be raised the roles of President in 2024. He is an Associate Editor for Journal of Prosthodontics and editorial board member for Dental Materials, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Endodontics, JADA Foundational Science and others.

Title: Graphene nanocoating to improve osteogenesis and decrease biofilms on titanium


Graphene and its derivatives (graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide) have received increasing attention for biomedical applications due to remarkable properties such as high surface area, high mechanical strength, and chemical stability. Graphene family materials can be functionalized and modified with biomolecules and compounds, offering countless opportunities for material development and regeneration of tissues. Moreover, these materials can interfere in microorganism attachment and biofilm growth hence becoming a promising alternative to prevent infections.

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