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Dr. Sriram Gopu

Dr Gopu Sriram is an Assistant Professor on tenure-track at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore. He is also a Thrust Co-lead for additive manufacturing for craniofacial and oral applications at the NUS Centre for Additive Manufacturing (AM.NUS). His current research is centered on oral and craniofacial tissue regeneration through the amalgamation of complementary and multidisciplinary tissue engineering technologies such as stem cells, organoids, microfluidics, 3D printing and non-invasive imaging. Through the design and biofabrication of biomimetic tissue constructs, his team focusses towards understanding cellular microenvironments, host-microbiome interactions, oral mucosal biology, ageing, potential therapeutic compounds, and regenerative strategies. His scientific contributions have been published in multidisciplinary journals such as Biofabrication, Materials Today, Lab-on-Chip, Biotechnology Bioengineering and Bio-Design Manufacturing.

Title: Multidisciplinary Tools for Biofabrication of Gingival Tissue Constructs


Over the last decade, technologies and tools to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) tissue constructs or
grafts have progressed rapidly. Convergence of multidisciplinary tools such as 3D tissue cultures,
bioprinting and microfluidics provides unique opportunities to biofabricate complex tissues with
precision, spatial control, architecture, and functionality relevant to their in vivo counterparts.

Further, imaging tools such as 2-photon and confocal reflectance microscopy provides opportunities
for label-free and non-invasive visualization or optical biopsy of the tissues. In this symposium, we
will discuss the recent efforts in the application of 3D culture, bioprinting and microfluidics combined with label-free, non-invasive imaging tools to construct biomimetic and functional gingival
and oral mucosal tissues.

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©️2021 by International Association of Dental Research Southeast Asian (IADR-SEA) Division.

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